
Industrial Transformation Research Hubs - Grant ID: IH130200031 [ 2015-06-30 - 2020-06-30 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: Em/Prof Alan Roberts (Chief Investigator) ,  Prof Chin Eng Loo (Chief Investigator) ,  Dr Benjamin Ellis (Partner Investigator) ,  Kevin Galvin (Hub Director) ,  Mr Gregory Elphick (Partner Investigator)
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Brief description ARC Research Hub for Advanced Technologies for Australian Iron Ore. ARC Research Hub for Advanced Technologies for Australian Iron Ore. This Research Hub aims to bring together three world-class groups covering fine particle beneficiation, raw materials handling, and iron ore characterisation to address the complex issues that arise from the different ore types that have emerged in recent years. This Research Hub will focus on the development and adoption of advanced beneficiation and handling technologies into iron ore mining operations, and new knowledge for informing producers and end-users, while providing the training for a new generation of research leaders.

Funding Amount $3,273,780

Funding Scheme Industrial Transformation Research Hubs

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