
Improving mental health screening for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander pregnant women and mothers of young children [ 2016 - ]

Also known as: 5013266

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof David Atkinson (Principal investigator) ,  A/Pr Julia Marley A/Pr MURRAY CHAPMAN A/Pr Mark Wenitong Dr Catherine Engelke
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Brief description Mental health during and after pregnancy is important for the well-being of mother and infant. Unfortunately Aboriginal women in remote Australia have high levels of anxiety and depression, which can have significant short and long-term impacts on both mother and child. Currently these issues are often not identified and if identified services may not feel equipped to address them. This study aims to improve screening for, and contribute to addressing, perinatal mental health issues.

Funding Amount $1,369,612.00

Funding Scheme Partnerships

Notes Partnership Project for Better Health

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