
Improving mental health for young people in out-of-home care: providng participatory evidence-based mental health care across services [ 2012 - 2017 ]

Also known as: Improving the mental health of vulnerable young people in out of home care

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof Helen Herrman (Principal investigator) ,  A/Pr Alasdair Vance A/Pr Cathrine Mihalopoulos Dr Elise Davis (Nee Maher) Dr Ida Kaplan
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Brief description Young people in out-of-home care have experienced traumas and adversities. They are highly vulnerable to mental ill-health and associated problems with relationships, education and meaningful activity. The project aims to deliver evidence-based mental health support and care across the health and community service system relevant to these young people in Victoria. The aim is to work in partnership to reduce the risks of mental ill-health and support more effective treatment and recovery.

Funding Amount $AUD 956,114.23

Funding Scheme Targeted Calls

Notes Prevention and Early Intervention of Mental Illness in Young People

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