
Improving the management of nausea in advanced cancer: Pragmatic tool for assessing& treating nausea in clincial practi [ 2003 - 2005 ]

Also known as: Pargmatic tools for assessing and treating nausea in advanced cancer patients

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof Paul Glare (Principal investigator) ,  Prof Linda Kristjanson Prof Martin Stockler Prof Martin Tattersall

Brief description Nausea and vomiting are common problems in-patients with advanced cancer and they are under-treated. The investigators will develop evidence-based tools to assist non-specialist clinicians in the assessment and treatment of nausea in advanced cancer. They will also develop an educational intervention to train health professionals to use these tools and pilot a randomised trial designed to evaluate the package in NSW and WA.

Funding Amount $AUD 100,000.00

Funding Scheme NHMRC Strategic Awards

Notes Palliative Care Research

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