
Improving the management of Diabetes in Pregnancy in Remote Australia [ 2015 - ]

Also known as: 5016189

Research Grant

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Researchers: A/Pr Louise Maple-Brown (Principal investigator) ,  A/Pr Anthony Hanley A/Pr Ashim Sinha A/Pr Mark Wenitong Dr Christine Connors
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Brief description This study aims to optimise the management of diabetes in pregnancy (both gestational diabetes and pre-existing type 2 diabetes) and post-partum follow-up of these high risk women in order to reduce the risk of future chronic disease among women and their children. The proposal involves scale-up of successful initiatives that we have developed as part of the NT DIP Partnership, scale-up within the Northern Territory (NT) and to Far North Queensland (FNQ).

Funding Amount $2,117,449.00

Funding Scheme International Collaborations

Notes GACD - Prevention and treatment of Type 2 Diabetes

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