
Impacts of deforestation and afforestation on greenhouse gas emissions, and carbon and water resources in the Daly River catchment, north Australia [ 2011-01-01 - 2013-12-31 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: Arndt, Stefan (Chief Investigator) ,  Beringer, Jason (Chief Investigator) ,  Dr Lindsay Hutley (Chief Investigator) ,  Dr Stephen Livesley (Chief Investigator) ,  Guy Boggs (Chief Investigator)

Brief description Impacts of deforestation and afforestation on greenhouse gas emissions, and carbon and water resources in the Daly River catchment, north Australia. Over the last decade, north Australia have been viewed as a potentially exploitable resource, given issues of salinisation, soil acidification, over-allocation of water resources and rainfall declines in south Australian agricultural regions. Improved pastures and plantation forestry are two land uses that may expand in the NT. Clearing of savanna vegetation would be required, with implications for greenhouse gas emissions, soil health, water resources and dry season environmental flows. This project will track greenhouse emissions and water use from uncleared and cleared savanna that has been converted to pasture and timber plantations, providing critical understanding of the environmental implication of such land use change in savanna.

Funding Amount $308,000

Funding Scheme Linkage Projects

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