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The database compiles published data (in Serrano et al. 2016, Scientific Reports, in press) on biogeochemical characteristics (density, organic carbon, calcium carbonate, stable carbon isotopes and sediment grain size) of sediments underneath seagrass meadows and adjacent un-vegetated patches after mooring disturbances in Rottnest Island (Perth, Western Australia). The dataset compiles data on biogeochemical sediment characteristics for a total of 16 cores, 50 cm-long (4 cores from seagrass meadows and 4 cores from adjacent bare sediments at Thompson Bay, and 4 cores from seagrass meadows and 4 cores from adjacent bare sediments at Stark Bay). Enquiries about the dataset may be sent to Oscar Serrano o.serranogras@ecu.edu.au.
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- DOI : 10.4225/75/56C561FB1D419
- global : 995795ab-716d-4edf-bb55-a682c5ad01e1