
Impact of an ivermectin mass drug administration program against endemic scabies and strongyloidiasis [ 2010 - 2012 ]

Also known as: Beating scabies and strongyloidiasis

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof Ross Andrews (Principal investigator) ,  Dr Deborah Holt Dr Therese Kearns E/Pr Richard Speare Prof Allen Cheng
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Brief description Overseas studies suggest sustainable and long term benefits can be obtained through the use of ivermectin in mass drug administration programs to control parasitic infections. Our study will be a critical first step in establishing if such a program can be successful in a remote Indigenous community setting, where the disease burden from scabies and strongyloidiasis (threadworm infections) is very high.

Funding Amount $AUD 1,289,786.42

Funding Scheme NHMRC Project Grants

Notes Standard Project Grant

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