Researchers: Hemer, Mark (Principal investigator) , Hemer, Mark (Principal investigator) , AODN Data Manager (Point of contact, Distributes) , Data Officer (Point of contact, Distributes) , Data Officer (Point of contact, Distributes)
Brief description The Surface Waves Sub-Facility, part of the Satellite Remote Sensing Facility, will calibrate, collect and distribute ocean surface wave data from current and next-generation satellite missions. The Sub-Facility will build Australia’s capability in Satellite Remotely Sensed (SRS) wave data-streams and deliver global validated, processed SRS wave data streams, with a focused effort in the Australian region. Activities will include: • building on the wave measurements obtained from the Bass Strait altimeter calibration sites for calibration of the current satellite missions in the Australian region, • using the Southern Ocean Flux Station to validate SRS wave data in the extreme Southern Ocean wave climate, • delivering historical and near-real-time altimeter-derived significant wave heights to the IMOS OceanCurrent Facility, producing daily maps and animations that will be used by researchers and the broader community, • managing the delivery of wind-wave data derived from altimeter and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite platforms to the Australian marine and coastal science community.
Lineage Maintenance and Update Frequency: continual
Australia’s Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) is enabled by the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS). It is operated by a consortium of institutions as an unincorporated joint venture, with the University of Tasmania as Lead Agent.
CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere
The University of Melbourne
text: westlimit=-180.00; southlimit=-80.00; eastlimit=180.00; northlimit=80.00
(Website of the IMOS Surface Waves Sub-Facility)
uri :
global : 744ac2a9-689c-40d3-b262-0df6863f0327
- global : c2d47a05-2bb7-4649-ba05-d314e8f2105b