
IMOS - SOOP Underway CO2 Measurements Research Group - Near real-time raw data

Researchers: Tilbrook, Bronte (Principal investigator) ,  Tilbrook, Bronte (Principal investigator) ,  AODN Data Manager (Point of contact, Distributes) ,  Akl, John (Processor of) ,  Akl, John (Processor of)
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Brief description The IMOS Ship of Opportunity Underway CO2 Measurements group is a research and data collection project working within the IMOS Ship of Opportunity Multi-Disciplinary Underway Network sub-facility. The CO2 group sample critical regions of the Southern Ocean and the Australian shelf waters have a major impact on CO2 uptake by the ocean. These are regions where biogeochemical cycling is predicted to be particularly sensitive to a changing climate. The data represented by this record are presented in real-time mode. The pCO2 Underway System measures variables such as mole fraction of CO2, sea surface salinity (SSS), and sea surface temperature (SST) using an automated system. The RV Aurora Australis provides data on surface ocean CO2 for the Southern Ocean, while the RV Investigator, covers shelf and offshore waters around Australia from the tropics to the sea-ice edge.

Notes Credit
Australia’s Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) is enabled by the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS). It is operated by a consortium of institutions as an unincorporated joint venture, with the University of Tasmania as Lead Agent.

Notes Credit
Marine National Facility (MNF)

Notes Credit
CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere - Hobart

Notes Credit
Australian Antarctic Division (AAD)

57,-69 57,-66 57,-63 60,-63 63,-63 66,-63 69,-63 69,-60 72,-60 75,-60 78,-60 81,-60 84,-60 84,-57 87,-57 90,-57 93,-57 96,-57 96,-54 99,-54 99,-51 102,-51 102,-48 102,-45 102,-42 105,-42 105,-39 108,-39 108,-36 108,-33 105,-33 102,-33 102,-30 99,-30 99,-27 99,-24 102,-24 105,-24 108,-24 108,-27 111,-27 111,-24 111,-21 111,-18 114,-18 117,-18 117,-15 120,-15 120,-12 123,-12 126,-12 126,-9 123,-9 123,-6 126,-6 129,-6 129,-9 132,-9 135,-9 138,-9 141,-9 144,-9 147,-9 147,-12 147,-15 150,-15 153,-15 153,-12 156,-12 159,-12 159,-9 162,-9 165,-9 165,-12 165,-15 168,-15 171,-15 174,-15 177,-15 180,-15 180,-18 180,-21 177,-21 177,-24 174,-24 171,-24 171,-27 174,-27 177,-27 177,-30 180,-30 180,-33 180,-36 177,-36 177,-39 180,-39 180,-42 180,-45 177,-45 174,-45 174,-48 171,-48 171,-51 168,-51 168,-54 165,-54 165,-57 162,-57 162,-60 159,-60 156,-60 156,-63 156,-66 153,-66 150,-66 150,-69 147,-69 144,-69 141,-69 138,-69 138,-66 135,-66 132,-66 129,-66 126,-66 123,-66 120,-66 117,-66 114,-66 111,-66 111,-69 108,-69 108,-66 105,-66 102,-66 99,-66 96,-66 93,-66 90,-66 87,-66 84,-66 84,-69 81,-69 78,-69 75,-69 72,-69 69,-69 66,-69 63,-69 60,-69 57,-69


108,-42 108,-45 105,-45 105,-48 105,-51 105,-54 108,-54 108,-51 111,-51 114,-51 114,-48 114,-45 114,-42 114,-39 114,-36 111,-36 111,-39 111,-42 108,-42


117,-42 117,-45 117,-48 117,-51 120,-51 120,-48 123,-48 126,-48 129,-48 129,-45 132,-45 132,-42 135,-42 135,-39 132,-39 132,-36 129,-36 126,-36 123,-36 120,-36 117,-36 117,-39 117,-42


162,-42 162,-45 162,-48 159,-48 159,-51 159,-54 162,-54 162,-51 165,-51 165,-48 168,-48 168,-45 171,-45 171,-42 171,-39 168,-39 168,-42 165,-42 162,-42


135,-54 135,-57 138,-57 138,-54 135,-54


114,-27 117,-27 117,-30 117,-33 120,-33 123,-33 126,-33 129,-33 132,-33 135,-33 138,-33 141,-33 141,-36 144,-36 144,-39 147,-39 147,-36 150,-36 150,-33 150,-30 153,-30 153,-27 150,-27 150,-24 147,-24 147,-21 144,-21 144,-18 144,-15 141,-15 141,-12 138,-12 135,-12 132,-12 132,-15 129,-15 126,-15 126,-18 123,-18 123,-21 120,-21 117,-21 117,-24 114,-24 114,-27


168,-33 165,-33 165,-36 168,-36 168,-33


159,-33 159,-36 162,-36 162,-33 159,-33


168,-18 165,-18 162,-18 162,-21 165,-21 168,-21 171,-21 171,-18 168,-18


153,-18 153,-21 156,-21 156,-18 153,-18


-168,-48 -168,-51 -171,-51 -174,-51 -174,-48 -177,-48 -180,-48 -180,-45 -180,-42 -177,-42 -177,-39 -174,-39 -174,-36 -177,-36 -180,-36 -180,-33 -180,-30 -177,-30 -174,-30 -171,-30 -171,-27 -171,-24 -174,-24 -177,-24 -177,-21 -180,-21 -180,-18 -180,-15 -180,-12 -177,-12 -174,-12 -171,-12 -171,-9 -171,-6 -171,-3 -171,0 -171,3 -168,3 -168,0 -168,-3 -168,-6 -168,-9 -168,-12 -168,-15 -168,-18 -168,-21 -168,-24 -168,-27 -168,-30 -168,-33 -168,-36 -168,-39 -171,-39 -171,-42 -171,-45 -168,-45 -168,-48


-174,-36 -171,-36 -171,-33 -174,-33 -174,-36


-174,-18 -174,-21 -171,-21 -171,-18 -174,-18


-168,-0.01 -168,-50.5 -180,-50.5 -180,-0.01 -168,-0.01


text: westlimit=-180.00; southlimit=-50.50; eastlimit=-168.00; northlimit=-0.01

ATMOSPHERE | Atmospheric Pressure | Biogeochemical Sensors Sub-Facility, Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) | Carbon Dioxide | Continents | Antarctica | Countries | Australia | Countries | Fiji | Countries | New Caledonia | Countries | Papua New Guinea | Countries | Timor-Leste | EARTH SCIENCE | Global / Oceans | Indian Ocean | Global / Oceans | Pacific Ocean | Global / Oceans | Southern Ocean | IMOS Node | Bluewater and Climate | IMOS Platform | VLMJ | Investigator | IMOS Platform | VNAA | Aurora Australis | Investigator | Marine Features (Australia) | Bass Strait, TAS/VIC | Marine Features (Australia) | Great Australian Bight, SA/WA | Mole fraction of carbon dioxide (dry air) in the atmosphere | Mole fraction of carbon dioxide (dry air) in the equilibrated marine sample | OCEAN CHEMISTRY | OCEAN TEMPERATURE | OCEAN WINDS | OCEANS | Ocean Biogeochemistry | Offshore Islands (Australia) | Macquarie Island | Practical salinity of the water body | Pressure (measured variable) exerted by the atmosphere | Regional Seas | Arafura Sea | Regional Seas | Coral Sea | Regional Seas | Tasman Sea | Regional Seas | Timor Sea | Salinity | SALINITY/DENSITY | Sea Surface Temperature | Surface Winds | States, Territories (Australia) | New South Wales | States, Territories (Australia) | Northern Territory | States, Territories (Australia) | Queensland | States, Territories (Australia) | South Australia | States, Territories (Australia) | Tasmania | States, Territories (Australia) | Victoria | States, Territories (Australia) | Western Australia | Temperature of the water body | Wind from direction in the atmosphere | Wind speed in the atmosphere | anemometers | atmospheric gas analysers | meteorological packages | oceans | research vessel | thermosalinographs | water temperature sensor |
Other Information
(Link to biogeochemical sensors page on IMOS website)

uri :

(Marine National Facility Website: Information about RV Investigator)

uri :

(NetCDF files via THREDDS catalog)

uri :

(View and download data though the AODN Portal)

uri :

SOOP Underway CO2- real-time (imos:soop_co2_rt_filt_trajectory_map)

uri :

This OGC WFS service returns filtered geographic information. The returned data is available in multiple formats including CSV. (imos:soop_co2_rt_trajectory_data)

uri :

(OGC WFS help documentation)

uri :

The ncUrlList is a WFS service that returns a list of URLs matching a query. (imos:soop_co2_rt_filt_trajectory_map#url)

uri :

(ncUrlList help documentation)

uri :

(Video file (wmv): Research Leader Bronte Tilbrook on the ABC 7:30 Report)

uri :

global : d52d1e34-b8e2-45d4-a684-be05cd681ef1

  • global : 9e5c3031-a026-48b3-a153-a70c2e2b78b9
Viewed: [[ro.stat.viewed]]

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OPEN Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License View details

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Data, products and services from IMOS are provided "as is" without any warranty as to fitness for a particular purpose.



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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

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The citation in a list of references is: "IMOS [year-of-data-download], [Title], [data-access-URL], accessed [date-of-access]."

Rights Statement

Any users of IMOS data are required to clearly acknowledge the source of the material derived from IMOS in the format: "Data was sourced from Australia’s Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) – IMOS is enabled by the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure strategy (NCRIS)." If relevant, also credit other organisations involved in collection of this particular datastream (as listed in 'credit' in the metadata record).


Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

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