Brief description
Regular monthly water sampling is undertaken at the nine National Reference Stations, part of the Australian National Mooring Network, around the Australian coastline. The main goals of the project are to: 1. Provide a record of physical, chemical and biological (plankton) changes in Australian coastal waters. 2. Record data as part of a larger comprehensive national dataset, comprising both continuous in-situ sampling and analysis of discrete physical, chemical and biological samples collected monthly. The project was funded by the Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) and falls within the Coastal Monitoring Network Facility. Data storage and access is planned to be interoperable with other national and international programs through the IMOS Infrastructure. Data is available freely via the AODN portal: Station metadata can be found through this resource. National Reference Station details are available at: IMOS National Reference Station - Station Details .. MarLIN Record Number: 9011 People using these data should also consider historical data available from three of the National Reference Station sites: Maria Island Coastal Station Data 1944-2008 .. MarLIN Record Number: 4849 Port Hacking 100m Coastal Station Data 1953-2010 .. MarLIN Record Number: 5301 Rottnest Island Coastal Station Data 1951-2009 .. MarLIN Record Number: 4877Lineage
Progress Code: onGoing
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeeded
Statement: Data sampling was conducted as part of a larger IMOS monitoring program.
CreditThese data are from the National Mooring Network, part of the Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) - IMOS is a national collaborative research infrastructure, supported by the Australian Government.
Operation of the National Reference Station (NRS) sampling and analyses is provided by the IMOS NRS Biogeochemical (BGC) project and is distributed between several operators and is coordinated nationally.
Operation of the National Reference Station (NRS) sampling and analyses is provided by the IMOS NRS Biogeochemical (BGC) project and is distributed between several operators and is coordinated nationally.
Data time period: 2008-06
text: westlimit=115; southlimit=-44; eastlimit=154; northlimit=-10; projection=WGS84
Balances/Weighing systems |
Boats and Small Vessels |
CTDs (Conductivity-Temperature-Depth Profilers) |
Cell Counters |
Coastal Waters (Australia) | South Australia Coast, SA |
Coastal Waters (Australia) | Tasmania Coast East and Southeast, TAS |
Coastal Waters (Australia) | West Australia Coast South, WA |
Coastal Waters (Australia) | West Australia Coast West, WA |
Data Loggers |
Earth Science | Biological Classification | Bacteria/Archaea |
Earth Science | Biological Classification | Plants | Microalgae |
Earth Science | Biological Classification | Protists | Plankton | Phytoplankton |
Earth Science | Biosphere | Aquatic Ecosystems | Plankton | Zooplankton |
Earth Science | Oceans | Ocean Chemistry | Alkalinity |
Earth Science | Oceans | Ocean Chemistry | Carbon |
Earth Science | Oceans | Ocean Chemistry | Chlorophyll |
Earth Science | Oceans | Ocean Chemistry | Dissolved Gases |
Earth Science | Oceans | Ocean Chemistry | Nutrients |
Earth Science | Oceans | Ocean Chemistry | Organic Matter |
Earth Science | Oceans | Ocean Chemistry | Oxygen |
Earth Science | Oceans | Ocean Chemistry | Ph |
Earth Science | Oceans | Ocean Chemistry | Pigments |
Earth Science | Oceans | Ocean Chemistry | Suspended Solids |
Earth Science | Oceans | Ocean Optics | Fluorescence |
Earth Science | Oceans | Ocean Optics | Secchi Depth |
Earth Science | Oceans | Ocean Optics | Turbidity |
Earth Science | Oceans | Ocean Temperature | Water Temperature |
Earth Science | Oceans | Salinity/Density | Conductivity |
Earth Science | Oceans | Salinity/Density | Salinity |
Field Surveys (acquisition and/or analysis) |
Fluorometers |
Global / Oceans | Indian Ocean |
Global / Oceans | Pacific Ocean |
IMOS Biogeochemical Sampling |
Marine Features (Australia) | Australian North West Shelf, WA |
Marine Features (Australia) | Great Australian Bight, SA/WA |
Marine Features (Australia) | Gulf of Carpentaria, NT/QLD |
Marine Features (Australia) | Moreton Bay, QLD |
Marine Features (Australia) | Port Hacking, NSW |
Niskin Bottles |
Nutrient Analysers |
Phytoplankton Nets |
Plankton Nets/Drop Nets |
Practical salinity of the water body |
Pressure (measured variable) in the water body exerted by overlying sea water and any medium above it |
Pressure (measured variable) in the water body exerted by overlying sea water only |
Secchi Discs |
T/S (Temperature-Salinity) Profilers |
Temperature of the water body |
Water Column Samplers |
Zooplankton Nets |
oceans |
research vessel |
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Other Information
AODN portal (Data Link)
uri :
National Mooring Network - Home page (Documentation Link)
- Local : Anzlic Identifier: ANZCW0306008466
- Local : Marlin Record Number: 8466
- global : bc1b3741-e6ce-5039-e044-00144f7bc0f4