Brief description
This dataset includes the biogeochemical (BGC) parameters collected and analysed from the National Reference Stations (NRS) excluding the biological compositional data which can be accessed through other products. Nine Sites are included in the IMOS NRS field sampling stations. Maria Island (TAS), Kangaroo Island (SA), Esperance (WA, discontinued 2013), Rottnest Island (WA), Ningaloo (WA, discontinued 2013), Darwin (NT), Yongala (QLD), North Stradbroke Island (QLD) and Port Hacking (NSW). All data included in this product are obtained from water samples collected from small vessels. Parameters in this product include salinity, carbon, alkalinity, oxygen, pigments (from High Performance Liquid Chromatography - HPLC), picoplankton cells count (from flow cytometry), secchi depth, total suspended matter (inorganic and organic components) and nutrients, comprising of ammonium, nitrate, phosphate and silicate. Over the course of the long-term monitoring program some parameters have been discontinued, others introduced and depths at which samples have been taken may have changed. Therefore, there may not be a continuous time series for each parameter, it is advised to consult the IMOS NRS Biogeochemical Operations Manual (Davies & Sommerville 2020) for more details. Data is also available in this collection from other projects which collect and analyse samples in similar methods to the NRS. The biogeochemical data from South Australian Research and Development Institutes' (SARDI) sampling at non IMOS stations is included along with the nutrient and picoplankton data from the Coastal Sampling Station at Botany Bay ( The data from Port Philip Bay and Great Barrier Reef (GBR) sites for this project is provided in other collections. This dataset supersedes the following collections: "IMOS National Reference Station (NRS) - Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and Secchi Depth" - ; "IMOS National Reference Station (NRS) - Picoplankton flow cytometry" - ; "IMOS National Reference Station (NRS) - Salinity, Carbon, Alkalinity, Oxygen and Nutrients (Silicate, Ammonium, Nitrite/Nitrate, Phosphate)" - and "IMOS National Reference Station (NRS) - Phytoplankton HPLC Pigment Composition Analysis" - (collections were removed from the AODN Portal in February 2022, and the data has been archived).Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeededNotes
CreditAustralia’s Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) is enabled by the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS). It is operated by a consortium of institutions as an unincorporated joint venture, with the University of Tasmania as Lead Agent.
Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA), Victorian Government
University of Technology, Sydney (UTS)
The University of New South Wales (UNSW)
Created: 02 11 2021
Data time period: 11 02 2008 to 21 12 2022
text: uplimit=; downlimit=0
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(National Reference Stations - Home Page)
uri :
(Marine Microbiome Initiative Facility - Home Page)
uri :
(IMOS in South Australia webpage)
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(IMOS NRS BGC Manual - Latest Version)
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(OGC WFS help documentation)
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(NRS Combined BGC product Product Specification document)
global : c78801d0-bffe-11dc-a463-00188b4c0af8
- global : b442c3e8-3d30-48ad-b144-680afd848167