

Researchers: Williams, Stefan (Principal investigator) ,  Williams, Stefan (Principal investigator) ,  AODN Data Manager (Point of contact, Distributes) ,  Data Officer (Point of contact, Distributes) ,  Data Officer (Point of contact, Distributes)
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Brief description Temperate WA (Kendrick, Babcock, Smale): A cruise was undertaken in collaboration with the University of Western Australian and CSIRO to document benthic assemblages on temperate reefs off the coast of Western Australia in April, 2010. This cruise was the first in a 3 year series of IMOS AUV Facility cruises intended to establish a benthic habitat timeseries along the Eastern and Western coasts of Australia. The expectation is that these surveys will be repeated annually for at least the next two years. Surveys were conducted off Rottnest Island, Jurien Bay, and the Abrolhos Islands. Six sites were surveyed at each location spanning three depths (15 m, 25 m, 40 m), both inside and outside MPAs, with three 25 m x 25 m full photo coverage quadrants devoted to each site. Site locations targeted kelp beds and were provided by the science party. The locations of individual quadrants within each site were decided on‐site, based on bathymetric or depth sounder information. Additional scientific operations carried out during the cruise consisted of CTD casts, HOBO logger equipped moorings deployments, and SCUBA.

Lineage Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeeded

Lineage Statement: This data is provided by the IMOS AUV Facility and was collected by the University of Sydney's Australian Centre for Field Robotics aboard the TAFI Research Vessel R/V Challenger. The AUV Sirius undertook seafloor survey deployments along the Tasmanian Peninsula, at Port Arthur and in the Huon Channel between October 5th and 16th, 2008. This represents a first pass processing completed while onboard the ship. A more thorough revision may be available in the future. In all 19 dives were completed, in addition to a number of calibration dives which are not contained on this disk. Each mission has been processed to generate a dive report, dive tracks, geotifs and meshes. Multibeam and hydrographic data have been completed for some but not all dives. The structure of each dive summary is as follows: .pdf - a report outlining the dive. This shows some dive stats (date, time, depth, number of images, distance travelled, etc.), the raw mission profile, a depth profile, the hydrographic data and the reprocessed navigation data where available. .kml - this is a kml file of the vehicle path that can be loaded into Google Earth. _latlong.csv - this is comma separated value file containing a summary of the imagery collected by the vehicle during the dive. This is a result of the output of the renavigation and should be self-consistent where loop closures were identified. USBL and GPS observations have also been fused into the navigation filter. The csv file contains data for each image including the date and time, local northing and easting in metres, depth, latitude and longitude, roll, pitch, heading, altitude and the names of the two stereo images. hydro/ct.csv - a csv containing the conductivity and temperature measurements taken during the dive. These include the date and time, interpolated northing and easting, depth, latitude and longitude, conductivity, temperature measurements and salinity, pressure and speed of sound. hydro/eco.csv - a csv containing the ecopuck fluorometer measurements. These include the date and time, interpolated northing and easting, depth, latitude and longitude, chlorophyll-a, backscatter (red), cdom and temperature (note that this particular sensor does not measure temperature and this field is filled with a dummy value). i_gtif - this directory contains geotiffs of the left, colour images collected during the dive. These contain georeferencing tags generated by the navigation. If loaded into a GIS they should be displayed at the correct geographic location. The image footprint accounts for the field of view of the camera and the measured altitude of the vehicle, The encoding within each image is PNG and should be viewable in a standard image viewer. mb - this directory contains GRD files of the multibeam data, intensities and associated variances. mesh - this directory contains a mesh of the data based on the navigation and the stereo reconstructions. These can be viewed using the osgsight utility by loading the final.ive file. The mesh will show the local stereo surface with associated texture maps.

Notes Credit
Australia’s Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) is enabled by the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS). It is operated by a consortium of institutions as an unincorporated joint venture, with the University of Tasmania as Lead Agent.

Notes Credit
Australian Centre for Field Robotics (ACFR)

Notes Credit
Commonwealth Environmental Research Facility (CERF) Marine Biodiversity Research Hub

Data time period: 01 04 2010 to 30 04 2010

Click to explore relationships graph

129,-13.5 129,-35.5 112.5,-35.5 112.5,-13.5 129,-13.5


text: westlimit=112.50; southlimit=-35.50; eastlimit=129.00; northlimit=-13.50

text: uplimit=150; downlimit=50

Other Information
(Data files for each dive in this campaign. See README for details. For each dive: .PDF dive report, .KML , .CSV position files, .GRD bathymetry, .IVE fly-through files, .CSV sensor files , GeoTIFF images of seafloor .)

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Any users of IMOS data are required to clearly acknowledge the source of the material derived from IMOS in the format: "Data was sourced from Australia’s Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) – IMOS is enabled by the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure strategy (NCRIS)." If relevant, also credit other organisations involved in collection of this particular datastream (as listed in 'credit' in the metadata record).


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