Brief description
The SA Gulf St Vincent Mooring (IMOS platform code: SAMGSV) is one of four South Australian regional moorings designed to monitor particular oceanographic phenomena in coastal ocean waters. The mooring is located at Latitude:-35.02, Longitude:138.46. Both the Spencer and St Vincent Gulf’s support key fisheries, aquaculture and provide nursery grounds for many juvenile fish species. The moorings located in Upper Spencer Gulf and Gulf St Vincent are designed to provide long-term monitoring of these regions, informing the human impacts of these estuary systems from growing populations, mining and agriculture.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: continualNotes
CreditAustralia’s Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) is enabled by the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS). It is operated by a consortium of institutions as an unincorporated joint venture, with the University of Tasmania as Lead Agent.
Created: 23 06 2020
Data time period: 12 08 2019
text: westlimit=138.46; southlimit=-35.023; eastlimit=138.46; northlimit=-35.023
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