Brief description
The dataset contains temperature, salinity and biological parameters like for example dissolved oxygen and turbidity data measured by a Seaglider along the coast of New South Wales. The Australian National Facility for Ocean Gliders (ANFOG) located at the University of Western Australia manages 5 Seagliders to monitor the boundary currents surroundings Australia. The variables available in this dataset are: Temperature, salinity, conductivity, density, pressure, chromophoric dissolved oxygen matter, dissolved oxygen, fluorescence and backscatter coefficient at 660nm.Lineage
Statement: The data has undergone the following quality control tests: 1) Impossible date test, which checks if time values are within a timeframe possible for the ANFOG fleet; 2) Impossible location test, which requires that the observation latitude and longitude from the float be sensible; 3) Range test, which applies a gross filter on observed values for the measured scientific parameters, that accommodates all of the expected extremes encountered in the oceans around Australia; 4) Deepest pressure test, which requires that the profile has pressures/depths that are not higher than vehicle safe depth range plus 10%. (If there is a region of incorrect pressures, all corresponding measurements are also flagged as bad data.) 5) Spike test, which considers that the difference between sequential measurements where one measurement is quite different than adjacent ones, is a spike in both size and gradient. The test does not consider the differences in depth, but assumes a sampling that adequately reproduces the temperature and salinity changes with depth. The algorithm is used on temperature and salinity profiles only. 6) Gradient test, which is failed when the difference between vertically adjacent measurements is too steep. The test does not consider the differences in depth, but assumes a sampling that adequately reproduces the temperature and salinity changes with depth. The algorithm is used on temperature and salinity profiles only. The results of the above mentioned tests are listed using an IMOS standard set of IODE flags, which the user should refer to when using the data. Only items flagged as 1: Good data or 8: Interpolated data should be used. Each parameter's quality flagging is found in its corresponding quality control parameter (e.g. for the parameter PSAL, the quality flags are found in PSAL_quality_control). For further information, please refer to IMOS NETCDF USER'S MANUAL version 1.2 and AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL FACILITY FOR OCEAN GLIDERS (ANFOG) DATA MANAGEMENT USER'S MANUAL version 1.2 .Notes
CreditAustralia’s Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) is enabled by the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS). It is operated by a consortium of institutions as an unincorporated joint venture, with the University of Tasmania as Lead Agent.
The University of Western Australia (UWA)
Created: 06 04 2010
Data time period: 18 10 2009 to 16 12 2009
text: westlimit=152.7621; southlimit=-34.8413; eastlimit=156.0246; northlimit=-32.8987
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(Link to the ANFOG data management document)
global : 0d9c8283-6aca-4c21-8495-deed7f316c75
- global : 10c000e6-fd83-4faf-b276-5876ccec26fd