Research Project
Researchers: AODN Data Manager (Point of contact, Distributes) , Data Officer (Point of contact, Distributes) , Data Officer (Point of contact, Distributes) , Data Officer (Point of contact, Distributes)
Brief description The Cape Wiles (CWI) HF ocean radar site (34.943 S, 135.681 E) is one of two HF ocean radars covering the area between Eyre Peninsula and Kangaroo Island. The other HF ocean radar station is at Cape Spencer. The HF ocean radar coverage is from the coast to beyond the edge of the continental shelf. The CWI HF ocean radar is a WERA phased array system with a 16-element receive array. This radar operates at a frequency of 8.512 MHz, with a bandwidth of 33 KHz, a maximum range of 200 Km and a range resolution of 4.5 Km. Azimuthally the radar covers a sweep 60 deg either side of a bore sight direction of 190 deg true east of north (approximately south). Within the HF radar coverage area surface current radials are measured. Data are also collected from which wind directions and significant wave height can be calculated.
Lineage Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeeded
Lineage Statement: This station was (mostly) offline from November 2020, and should resume from June 2023.
Australia’s Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) is enabled by the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS). It is operated by a consortium of institutions as an unincorporated joint venture, with the University of Tasmania as Lead Agent.
The University of Western Australia (UWA)
text: westlimit=133.00; southlimit=-37.40; eastlimit=137.40; northlimit=-34.90
text: uplimit=0; downlimit=0
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