
Immunological Prevention of Hydatid Disease and Cysticercosis [ 2001 - 2005 ]

Also known as: Prevention of Infection with Hydatid Disease and Related Parasites

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof Marshall Lightowlers (Principal investigator)

Brief description This project seeks to develop practical vaccines to control the transmission of cysticercosis and hydatid disease. These diseases are caused by infection with the larval stages of tapeworm parasites which have a worldwide distribution and cause substantial human morbidity and mortality. The parasites are transmitted to humans from animals. Methods for control of transmission of infection currently rely on public education and anthelmintic treatment of animals. These measures are often ineffective and there is an urgent need for new tools to help control transmission of these important diseases. Previous research has shown that the animal hosts of these parasites can be protected from infection by vaccination. Prevention of infection in the parasites' animal hosts has the effect of breaking the parasite life cycle and indirectly removes the source of infection for humans. This project will further develop an existing vaccine against hydatid disease, will develop a new vaccine against cysticercosis and will participate in initial international parasite control campaigns based on application of these vaccines.

Funding Amount $AUD 345,340.22

Funding Scheme NHMRC Project Grants

Notes Standard Project with Research Fellowship

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