
'Images of desire': An experimental cognitive approach to understanding and reducing food cravings [ 2006-03-01 - 2009-12-31 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: Eva Kemps (Chief Investigator) ,  Marika Tiggemann (Chief Investigator)

Brief description 'Images of desire': An experimental cognitive approach to understanding and reducing food cravings. Food cravings are an important precursor to binge eating, a risk factor for both obesity and bulimia nervosa. Like many other Western countries, Australia has recently seen an alarming rise in these disorders. This project aims to investigate the imagery basis of food craving and develop effective techniques for its reduction. It has clear potential benefit for Australian national health and well-being, consistent with National Research Priority No. 2, "Promoting and Maintaining Good Health." The research will clearly contribute to the international profile of Australian social science and provide valuable research training for undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Funding Amount $180,000

Funding Scheme Discovery Projects

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