
Identifying the social, personal and health needs of men living with hepatitis C. [ 2001 - 2002 ]

Also known as: Investigating the health and well being of men living with hepatitis C.

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof Sandra Gifford (Principal investigator) ,  Mary O'Brien Prof Anthony Smith

Brief description This study will identify the health and social support needs of men who are infected with hepatitis C and will complement a similar study currently being conducted with women. At present, there is little information about the ways that hepatitis C impacts on the lives of men and research on the impact of related diseases (HIV-AIDS) strongly suggests that hepatitis C is likely to affect men in different ways to women, both economically, personally and physically. This is further complicated by the fact that the majority of infected men have a history of injecting drug use, which coupled with the stigma often attached to chronic diseases such as hepatitis C, negatively impacts on men's lives. Of specific concerns are issues around employment, access to appropriate health care and social support. Six hundred men from Melbourne and regional Victoria will be surveyed. We will ask them questions about the social and personal impact of HCV on relationships with partners, the availability and accessibillity of appropriate treatment, care and support services and other ways that living with hepatitis C has affected their lives. The findings of this study will be used to help policy makers and service providers make decisions about education, support and care services so that they best suit the needs of men who have hepatitis C.

Funding Amount $AUD 215,906.27

Funding Scheme NHMRC Project Grants

Notes Standard Project Grant

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