Brief description
All photos taken during the NZ-Australia Antarctic Ecosystems Voyage to the Ross Sea 2015 in an attempt to get a best photo identification image of blue whales, killer whales, humpback whales and minke whales. Image collection location and other details such as photographer, species, date (UTC) can be found in excel spreadsheet.Issued: 2017-09-22
Data time period: 2015-01-29 to 2015-03-11
text: northlimit=-40; southlimit=-75; westlimit=160; eastLimit=-175; projection=WGS84
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- URI :
- Local : AAS_4102_all_photo_ID_images_2015
- DOI : 10.4225/15/59D43810CE55A
- global : 0ff4bc9f-e6a0-46e4-a07b-e4eedb6d2420