Brief description
All photos taken during the two Blue whale voyages undertaken in January and March 2012 in an attempt to get a best photo identification image of pygmy blue whales. Whales from the January voyage are numbered sequentially beginning with 1; whales from the March voyage are numbered sequentially beginning with 101. The folder contains a best left side and a best right side photo of each whale (if available). Identification photos of whales where a dorsal fin was not visible are included only if there was a dorsal fin visible in a good identification photo of the other side of the whale. Photo filenames include the photographer’s initials: CJ = Catriona Johnson DD = Dave Donnelly MD = Mike Double JS = Josh Smith NS = Nat Schmitt PE = Paul Ensor PO = Paula Olson RS = Rob Slade VAG = Virginia Andrews-GoffIssued: 2017-09-22
Data time period: 2012-01-12 to 2012-01-25
Data time period: 2012-03-13 to 2012-03-30
text: northlimit=-38; southlimit=-39.5; westlimit=141; eastLimit=143; projection=WGS84
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- URI :
- Local : AAS_4102_all_photo_ID_images_2012
- DOI : 10.4225/15/59C498AA4DD3E
- global : 3a38abfa-adf2-458f-9f1b-deebf8bc1487