Brief description
This data set contains oxygen consumption data collected during respirometry trials conducted on juvenile barramundi.
Full description
Experiments were conducted on five genetically distinct sub-populations (spanning ∼12° of latitude) of Australian barramundi (Lates calcarifer) to examine the extent of intraspecific variability in hypoxia tolerance. Experiments were performed at two temperatures chosen to represent typical (26°C) and warm summer conditions (36°C). Critical oxygen saturation ([O2]crit) and oxygen consumption rates (ṀO₂) (mean [O2]crit was used as a performance measure of hypoxia tolerance) were investigated and results and calculations are included in this dataset, in tabular and graphical formats.
The full materials and methods are included in the related open access publication and as Chapter 1 of the author’s PhD thesis.
Created: 2017-03-03
Data time period: 30 05 2012 to 05 03 2013
Spatial Coverage And Location
text: Townsville, Queensland, Australia
text: Barramundi juveniles were obtained from commercial hatcheries located in Broome, Darwin, Karumba, Townsville and Gladstone. Experiments were conducted at the Marine and Aquaculture Research Facilities Unit, James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland, Australia
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- DOI : 10.4225/28/58BE1A4623491
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- Local : 2e1f855043953957b081c51dcdbdd736