Brief description
The CSIRO’s Oceans & Atmosphere Shallow Survey Internal Facility (SSIF) was contracted by the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) of the University of Tasmania (UTAS) in collaboration with Parks Australia, to undertake a hydrographic survey of the Boags Commonwealth Marine Reserve in the southwestern Bass Strait. This site was surveyed in conjunction with other smaller sites for Petuna Aquaculture, as part of a broader survey campaign. All of the sites covered in this campaign are located in the vicinity of the Hunter Group of Islands, off the north-western coast of Tasmania.Lineage
Statement: A two person CSIRO complement from the Geophysical Survey and Mapping (GSM) team, took over the operation of a pre-mobilised Kongsberg EM2040c Multibeam Bathymetry Echosounder (MBES) system on-board the MV Bluefin in Stanley (NW Tasmania), from the 27th June until the 4th July 2018. The vessel had been previously mobilised by Geoscience Australia (GA) for survey work in the Beagle Marine Reserve of the Bass Strait. Following the handover from the GA personnel, the vessel transited to the Boags Marine Reserve and commenced survey operations on the 27th June 2018. During the survey, the data were mapped to Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT), but for the final survey products, the soundings and map products have been produced a WGS84, UTM55 horizontal datum, and reduced to AHD (Australian Height Datum) for the vertical reference frame. The entire CSIRO survey campaign covered approximately 2,361 line kilometres (or 1,275 nautical miles), including transits. Of this total, 1,595 line km were surveyed in the Boags Marine Reserve and 627 line km were surveyed across the Petuna Aquaculture sites.Notes
CreditNational Environmental Science Program (NESP) Marine Biodiversity Hub
Created: 2018-08-22
Data time period: 2018-06-27 to 2018-07-04
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(DATA ACCESS - Bathymetry ASCII files [direct download 10.3GB])
uri :
(DATA ACCESS - Backscatter 1m Floating Point files [direct download 2.1GB])
(REPORT - Boags Survey Report [direct download])
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