
HIV treatment as prevention: A longitudinal assessment of population effectiveness [ 2015 - 2018 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: A/Pr Rebecca Guy (Principal investigator) ,  A/Pr David Templeton A/Pr Julian Elliott A/Pr Kathy Petoumenos A/Pr Mark Stoove
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Brief description This project is a large-scale evaluation of an HIV strategy known as ‘treatment as prevention’ (TasP). Through routine and repeat HIV testing for gay men and early treatment initiation following diagnosis, TasP aims to reduce HIV community infection rates. Through the establishment of a large cohort of gay men in NSW and Victoria, this study will track HIV testing, treatment and management to assess the real-world efficacy of TasP for reducing HIV infections among this at-risk population.

Funding Amount $AUD 783,160.23

Funding Scheme Project Grants

Notes Standard Project Grant

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