
AGY-4021 | Highway and Roads Transportation Branch [Department of Transport]

NSW State Archives Collection
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The Highway and Roads Transportation Branch was established by the Ministry of Transport Act, 1932 (Act No 3, 1932). The role of the branch was 'to control the registration, licensing and operations of aircraft and highway road vehicles and traffic matters connected therewith and incidental thereto.' (1) One of the Transport Commissioners took charge of the branch. (2) From 24 June 1932 the branch took responsibility for the Sydney Harbour Bridge Account. This involved the financial administration of the Bridge, its maintenance and lighting costs and managing the toll. (3) The branch terminated on 29 December 1932 when the Ministry of Transport was abolished.

(1) Ministry of Transport Act, 1932 (Act No. 3, 1932) s. 6 (2) (b)
(2) Ibid. s. 7 (4)
(3) Department of Main Roads Eighth annual report for the period 1st July 1932 to 30th June 1933 p. 50 in NSW Parliamentary Papers 1933-34 Vol 1 p. 666

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