Brief description
The 35mm photos were taken by Dr Jenny Scott in December 1986-January 1987, October 1987-February 1988 and October 2000. The photos represent the first time series of a longterm fixed-point photo-monitoring project. They serve as a baseline for documenting vegetation and landscape change between this time-frame and when photos were re-taken in 2003-04 (HI_VEG_PHOTOPOINTS_2), and for the future. Area covered: eastern and southern Heard Island from Fairchild Beach (Compton Lagoon) to Long Beach, and northwestern and northern Heard Island from Cape Gazert to Saddle Point including Laurens Peninsula. The majority of images in southern and eastern Heard Island were re-taken by Scott in 2003-2004 (HI_VEG_PHOTOPOINTS_2). None of the images from northwest and northern Heard Island were re-taken in 2003-2004. Number of images: 334 jpg images, less than 4 MB each. The images are also available at high resolution (approx. 4000 dpi), with each image approximately 66 MB; and as A4 contact sheets with 6 high-res images to a sheet, eg. for printing to use in the field. All the high res images, including contact sheets, total 47 GBs. Further information on image labelling etc is available in metadata notes (word doc) and an excel spreadsheet, both accompanying the images.Issued: 2006-07-05
Data time period: 1986-01-01 to 2000-11-01
text: northlimit=-52.57; southlimit=-53.2; westlimit=73.25; eastLimit=73.87; projection=WGS84
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