
AGY-4016 | Harbours, Roads, and Bridges Branch [Department of Public Works]

NSW State Archives Collection
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The Harbours, Roads, and Bridges Branch was established at the end of February 1926 as a result of the amalgamation of the National and Local Government Works and the Harbours and Drainage Branches of the Department of Public Works. (1)

The Branch’s responsibility in relation to harbours included repairs and improvements to jetties and harbours, clearing and dredging, undertaking coastal surveys and constituting swamp drainage trusts. The Branch was responsible for the management, construction, and maintenance of major roads, roads in the Western Division of New South Wales, and tourist roads. Initially these were roads in the Snowy Mountains district, later roads in the Jenolan Caves area were added. The Branch also carried out construction works for the Main Roads Board. It contructed, managed and maintained major bridges and punts ferries and launches classified as ‘national’ and in the Western Division as well as continuing to have responsibility for public watering places in the Western Division. (2)

The Department of Public Works was amalgamated with the Department of Local Government on 1 February 1936. It appears that the Branch divided to become the Harbours and Rivers Branch [II] and National Works Branch under section 537 of the Local Government Act to deal with the remaining aspects of roads, bridges, ferries and punts. (3) 

Public Service List, 1926-1936.
Report of the Department of Public Works for the year ended 30th June, 1926-1935.
Report of the Department of Works and Local Government for the year ended 30th June, 1936.

(1) NSW Parliamentary Papers, 1926-27, Vol. 1, pp. 739-740. Report of the Department of Public Works for the year ended 30th June, 1926, pp. 2-3.
(2) Ibid.
(3) NSW Parliamentary Papers, 1937-38, Vol. 3, p.1141. Report of the Department of Works and Local Government for the year ended 30th June, 1936, pp. 51-52.

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