Full description
Primary investigator: Tiffany Nay, PhD Candidate
Co-authors: Jacob L Johansen, Jodie L Rummer, John F Steffensen, Andrew S Hoey
Institution: ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, James Cook University, Townsville, QLD 4810, Australia
Project Title: The influence of habitat complexity on temperature preference in a common coral reef damselfish, Chromis atripectoralis.
Aim: Establish the influence of habitat complexity on the temperature preference in the black-axil chromis, Chromis atripectoralis
Habitat treatments:
-Focal fish used for measurements: Chromis atripectoralis
-Complex habitat: a branching coral skeleton, Acropora nasuta
-Rubble habitat: degraded coral skeleton, Acropora nasuta
Data information: Treatments included the placement of complex habitat in the warm chamber and rubble habitat in the cold chamber, the placement of complex habitat in the cold chamber and rubble habitat in the warm chamber, and the absence of habitat (i.e., control) in a two-chambered shuttlebox system. Each treatment has 15 individuals, each used only once.
File information: Labelled by date, tank, and treatment. Dates are marked by start and end date. Example) 1 (trial start date).2 (new start date).6 (month)
Data only to be used with permission of the primary author.
Dataset consists of 45 PRN files which can be opened in a browser or text editor.
Created: 2019-11-05
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- DOI : 10.25903/5DC0D73461BD6
- Local : researchdata.jcu.edu.au//published/988e7fe049663cf4bf00a59e5326f775
- Local : 58ca05d14ff3ce28bb8c1c6b4d6ff37b