Brief description
Spatial input data to parameterise the gully erosion module of the dSedNet model to simulate sediment generation and transport in the Western Port catchment for a 2018-19 study commissioned by Melbourne Water.Lineage: The 2003 gully map data were reprojected and spatially corrected. 'Active' gullies were determined through visual interpretation of aerial imagery from ESRI Base Layers (approx. 2013-2018) according to where the gully had sharply incised banks and/or presence of bare ground at base or edges. Some gullies were deleted where land use had changed and the gully was no longer visible, e.g. urban development, agriculture. New gullies were mapped where identified from recent aerial imagery. The workflow was executed within the ArcGIS (version 10.2) environment.
Available: 2019-11-28
Earth Sciences |
Engineering |
Geomatic Engineering |
Geospatial Information Systems and Geospatial Data Modelling |
Hydrology |
Melbourne Water |
Source |
Surface Water Hydrology |
dSedNet |
eWater |
gully mapping |
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- DOI : 10.25919/5DDEEB1FE4FA2
- Handle : 102.100.100/251215
- URL :