
The Gudaga Study: Describing the health, development, early education, family environment and service context of Aboriginal children aged five to nine years in an urban location [ 2012 - 2018 ]

Also known as: The Gudaga Study

Research Grant

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Researchers: A/Pr Elizabeth Comino (Principal investigator) ,  A/Pr Catherine Mcmahon A/Pr Elizabeth Denney-Wilson A/Pr Kelvin Kong Dr Rebekah Grace
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Brief description The Gudaga Study is a unique study of Aboriginal children in an urban environment on the eastern seaboard of Australia. Children were recruited at birth and have been followed up at 6-monthly intervals to age 5 years. This research aims to describe the health, early learning and service context of these urban Aboriginal children from 5 to 9 years. Detailed longitudinal data on Aboriginal children's early life experiences have not previously been collected in an urban setting.

Funding Amount $AUD 1,607,292.73

Funding Scheme Project Grants

Notes Standard Project Grant

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