
Green tea polyphenols and cancer prevention: use of population controls and biomarkers to elicit causal pathways [ 2009 - 2013 ]

Also known as: Green tea and cancer prevention

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof Cashel Holman (Principal investigator) ,  Dr Min Zhang Prof Max Bulsara Prof Xiaoying Zhao Prof Xing Xie
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Brief description There is laboratory evidence that chemicals in green tea (poloyphenols) protect against cancer. Epidemiologic studies in humans have generally supported these findings, especially for breast cancer. This project is a crucial stepping stone towards future prospects of a large-scale trial using green tea extract. It will see if the protection extends to leukaemia and bowel cancer, and will identify the genetic makeup of people who are able to benefit the most from green tea polyphenols.

Funding Amount $AUD 956,189.89

Funding Scheme NHMRC Project Grants

Notes Standard Project Grant

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