
Green roofs - improving urban environments in a changing climate [ 2009-12-24 - 2012-12-31 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: Arndt, Stefan (Chief Investigator) ,  Dr Nicholas Williams (Chief Investigator) ,  Kathryn WIlliams (Chief Investigator) ,  Dr Nigel Dunett (Partner Investigator)

Brief description Green roofs - improving urban environments in a changing climate. Green roofs are an emerging climate change adaptation technology that is widespread in Europe and North America, but rare and untested in Australia. Our research will significantly progress the Australian green roof industry by overcoming barriers to their implementation. This will lead to multiple environmental, economic and health benefits at a variety of scales. Benefits for individual buildings include greater energy efficiency, increased roof life and the attenuation of noise. Environmental benefits include biodiversity habitat, reduced volume and improved quality of stormwater flows and cooling of the urban environment. This will further reduce energy use and greenhouse emissions, while reducing human health risks during heat waves.

Funding Amount $380,000

Funding Scheme Linkage Projects

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