Brief description
The GMRT-AusSeabed project aims to address the cost associated with processing, merging and reformatting of bathymetric data in marine modelling and management by enabling users to more easily create bathymetric maps. The project leverages two major existing initiatives, the AusSeabed Data Hub operated by AusSeabed and the Global Multi-Resolution Topography Synthesis (GMRT) operated by Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO) and funded by the US National Science Foundation. GMRT-AusSeabed is seeking to deliver two core services that are relevant to this particular document: 1. Definition of an attributed point cloud for bathymetric data that is common across a wide range of bathymetric sensor platforms (multibeam echosounder, LiDAR, satellite, etc) 2. Develop additional user controls, primarily relating to data selection, that leverage the attributed point cloud for the creation of bathymetric maps. Within the bounds of the GMRT-AusSeabed project, this document provides: 1. A summary of the key points discussed within the second workshop, “Backend Storage”, 2. An overview of the toolkits being explored by the project for delivery of various capabilities 3. Outcomes and actions that are being moved forward with in the project. Workshop participants included representatives from Geoscience Australia, Australian Antarctic Division, University of Western Australia, and Guardian Geomatics. See for more information.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeededNotes
PurposeData Structure and Formats; Backend and Delivery
Issued: 01 09 2021
text: westlimit=112.00; southlimit=-44.00; eastlimit=154.00; northlimit=-9.00
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