Brief description
NOTE THIS IS AN ARCHIVED VERSION OF THE GLOBAL FISHERIES LANDING DATA. The current version of the data is available from and should be used for all future analyses from 16/01/2019. For any questions about version changes to this dataset, please contact the Point of Contact nominated in this record. Global fisheries landings supplied by a number of agencies (FAO/UN, CCAMLR, NAFO, ICES etc) are mapped to 30-min spatial cells based on the range/gradient of the reported taxon, the spatial access of the reporting country's fleets, and the original reporting area. This data is separated to industrial and non-industrial fishing and associated with types of fishing gears. Estimates of illegal, unreported and unallocated landings are included as are estimates of the weight of fisheries products discarded at sea. For appropriate records, spatial information from tuna regional management organisations and satellite-based vessel Automatic Identification System (AIS) were used to allow greater precision. Mapping the source of fisheries capture allows investigation of the impacts of fishing and the vulnerability of fishing (with its associate food security implications) to climate change impacts.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeededNotes
CreditSAUP Sea Around Us project, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada - records for FAO area 18 (Arctic) v2 1950-2014 (extrapolated to 2015)
The Australian Research Council (DP140101377)
CECAF Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic Capture production 1970-2015 (FAO Regional Capture Fisheries Statistics v2017.2.0 Release date: 15 June 2017)
Food and Agriculture Organisation (United Nations) Capture Production 1950-2014 (Release date: March 2016)
GFCM General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean Capture production 1970-2015 STATLANT 37A (Release date: Sept 2017)
RECOFI capture production 1986-2014 (Release date: June 2016)
SEAFO Southeast Atlantic Capture Production 1975-2015 (FAO Regional Capture Fisheries Statistics v2017.2.0 Release date: 15 June 2017)
CCAMLR Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources Statistical Bulletin 2017 Vol. 29 1970-2015
ICES International Committee for the Exploration of the Sea 1950-2015 & Historical data 1903-1949
NAFO Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organisation Catch and Effort 21B 1960-2015 (Updated 1 June 2017)
B.R. Mitchell, International Historical Statistics: The Americas 1750-1988, 2nd ed., Palgrave MacMillian, UK, 1993.
B.R. Mitchell, International Historical Statistics: Africa, Asia & Oceania, 1750-1993, 3rd ed., Palgrave Macmillan, UK, 1998.
GFW Global Fishing Watch AIS global data 2016
WCPFC Western & Central Pacific Fisheries Commission
IOTC Indian Ocean Tuna Commission
ICCAT International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas
IAATC Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission
CCSBT Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna
Created: 2018-01-19
Data time period: 1950-01-01 to 2015-12-31
text: westlimit=-180; southlimit=-90; eastlimit=180; northlimit=90
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(MASTER INDEX FILE (global catch per fishing event))
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(SPATIAL CELL REFERENCE (lat/long of grid referenced in catch data))
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(Global Fisheries Catch Data V3.0: INDUSTRIAL fishing 1950-1954 [direct download 281MB] - NOTE THIS DATA HAS BEEN SUPERSEDED BY V4.0)
(Global Fisheries Catch Data V3.0: INDUSTRIAL fishing 1955-1959 [direct download 361MB] - NOTE THIS DATA HAS BEEN SUPERSEDED BY V4.0)
(Global Fisheries Catch Data V3.0: INDUSTRIAL fishing 1960-1964 [direct download 441MB] - NOTE THIS DATA HAS BEEN SUPERSEDED BY V4.0)
(Global Fisheries Catch Data V3.0: INDUSTRIAL fishing 1965-1969 [direct download 582MB] - NOTE THIS DATA HAS BEEN SUPERSEDED BY V4.0)
(Global Fisheries Catch Data V3.0: INDUSTRIAL fishing 1970-1974 [direct download 765MB] - NOTE THIS DATA HAS BEEN SUPERSEDED BY V4.0)
(Global Fisheries Catch Data V3.0: INDUSTRIAL fishing 1975-1979 [direct download 901MB] - NOTE THIS DATA HAS BEEN SUPERSEDED BY V4.0)
(Global Fisheries Catch Data V3.0: INDUSTRIAL fishing 1980-1984 [direct download 875MB] - NOTE THIS DATA HAS BEEN SUPERSEDED BY V4.0)
(Global Fisheries Catch Data V3.0: INDUSTRIAL fishing 1985-1989 [direct download 876MB] - NOTE THIS DATA HAS BEEN SUPERSEDED BY V4.0)
(Global Fisheries Catch Data V3.0: INDUSTRIAL fishing 1990-1994 [direct download 943MB] - NOTE THIS DATA HAS BEEN SUPERSEDED BY V4.0)
(Global Fisheries Catch Data V3.0: INDUSTRIAL fishing 1995-1999 [direct download 1.1GB] - NOTE THIS DATA HAS BEEN SUPERSEDED BY V4.0)
(Global Fisheries Catch Data V3.0: INDUSTRIAL fishing 2000-2004 [direct download 1.2GB] - NOTE THIS DATA HAS BEEN SUPERSEDED BY V4.0)
(Global Fisheries Catch Data V3.0: INDUSTRIAL fishing 2005-2009 [direct download 1.2GB] - NOTE THIS DATA HAS BEEN SUPERSEDED BY V4.0)
(Global Fisheries Catch Data V3.0: INDUSTRIAL fishing 2010-2014 [direct download 1.2GB] - NOTE THIS DATA HAS BEEN SUPERSEDED BY V4.0)
(Global Fisheries Catch Data V3.0: INDUSTRIAL fishing 2015 [direct download 257MB] - NOTE THIS DATA HAS BEEN SUPERSEDED BY V4.0)
(Global Fisheries Catch Data V3.0: NON-INDUSTRIAL (other) fishing 1950-1954 [direct download 97MB] - NOTE THIS DATA HAS BEEN SUPERSEDED BY V4.0)
(Global Fisheries Catch Data V3.0: NON-INDUSTRIAL (other) fishing 1955-1959 [direct download 119MB] - NOTE THIS DATA HAS BEEN SUPERSEDED BY V4.0)
(Global Fisheries Catch Data V3.0: NON-INDUSTRIAL (other) fishing 1960-1964 [direct download 141MB] - NOTE THIS DATA HAS BEEN SUPERSEDED BY V4.0)
(Global Fisheries Catch Data V3.0: NON-INDUSTRIAL (other) fishing 1965-1969 [direct download 177MB] - NOTE THIS DATA HAS BEEN SUPERSEDED BY V4.0)
(Global Fisheries Catch Data V3.0: NON-INDUSTRIAL (other) fishing 1970-1974 [direct download 168MB] - NOTE THIS DATA HAS BEEN SUPERSEDED BY V4.0)
(Global Fisheries Catch Data V3.0: NON-INDUSTRIAL (other) fishing 1975-1979 [direct download 193MB] - NOTE THIS DATA HAS BEEN SUPERSEDED BY V4.0)
(Global Fisheries Catch Data V3.0: NON-INDUSTRIAL (other) fishing 1980-1984 [direct download 187MB] - NOTE THIS DATA HAS BEEN SUPERSEDED BY V4.0)
(Global Fisheries Catch Data V3.0: NON-INDUSTRIAL (other) fishing 1985-1989 [direct download 187MB] - NOTE THIS DATA HAS BEEN SUPERSEDED BY V4.0)
(Global Fisheries Catch Data V3.0: NON-INDUSTRIAL (other) fishing 1990-1994 [direct download 180MB] - NOTE THIS DATA HAS BEEN SUPERSEDED BY V4.0)
(Global Fisheries Catch Data V3.0: NON-INDUSTRIAL (other) fishing 1995-1999 [direct download 188MB] - NOTE THIS DATA HAS BEEN SUPERSEDED BY V4.0)
(Global Fisheries Catch Data V3.0: NON-INDUSTRIAL (other) fishing 2000-2004 [direct download 216MB] - NOTE THIS DATA HAS BEEN SUPERSEDED BY V4.0)
(Global Fisheries Catch Data V3.0: NON-INDUSTRIAL (other) fishing 2005-2009 [direct download 223MB] - NOTE THIS DATA HAS BEEN SUPERSEDED BY V4.0)
(Global Fisheries Catch Data V3.0: NON-INDUSTRIAL (other) fishing 2010-2014 [direct download 217MB] - NOTE THIS DATA HAS BEEN SUPERSEDED BY V4.0)
(Global Fisheries Catch Data V3.0: NON-INDUSTRIAL (other) fishing 2015 [direct download 44MB] - NOTE THIS DATA HAS BEEN SUPERSEDED BY V4.0)
(CURRENT VERSION (4.0) of Global Fisheries Catch Data [to be used for all analyses from 16/01/2019])
- global : ff1274e1-c0ab-411b-a8a2-5a12eb27f2c0
- DOI : 10.4226/77/5A65572655F73
- global : c1fefb3d-7e37-4171-b9ce-4ce4721bbc78