Full description
Within are data and scripts relating to the genetic influence on environmental sensitivity in livestock breeding research project. This includes scripts for data generation and analysis, and data from simulation studies (relating to Chapters 3 and 5), and data editing scripts from Chapters 4, 6 and 7.
Scripts included are in following formats:
R scripts for data generation (chapters 3 and 7)
ASReml scripts for analysis (chapter 3)
DMU scripts for analysis (chapters 4-7)
Data relating to chapters 4 and 6 are owned by Angus Australia, for more information contact Christian Duff: christian@angusaustralia.com.au
Data relating to chapter 7 are owned by Hendrix Genetics, for more information contact Naomi Duijvesteijn: Naomi.Duijvesteijn@hendrix-genetics.com
Funding SourceUniversity of New England, Livestock Genomics Scholarship
Issued: 2022-10-21
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- DOI : 10.25952/0D9Z-H777
- Handle : 1959.11/56046
- Local : une:1959.11/56046