
Genetic and evironmenal risk factors for melanoma: translation into behavioural change [ 2007 - 2011 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof Nicholas Hayward (Principal investigator)

Brief description GenoMEL, formerly known as the Melanoma Genetics Consortium, has focused on the identification of familial high penetrance melanoma genes. The joint programme of research has been very successful in the identification of susceptibility genes and developing joint data collection for gene-environment interaction studies. In order to continue its proactive role, GenoMEL wishes to develop a multidisciplinary European platform, directed towards: 1. developing shared resources and activities 2. identification of new susceptibility genes and understanding the role of these genes in tumours 3. investigation of genotype-phenotype interaction and gene-environment interaction for known susceptibility genes 4. investigation of attitudes to risk of melanoma in Europe, and translation of that risk perception into behavioural change 5. spreading excellence by creating a widely accessible web-based content management system (CMS) to address prevention, early detection, dealing with the diagnosis of melanoma and genetic counselling. Through GenoMEL's jointly executed research, groups will support the network's goal to maintain excellence in research, increase institutional integration and create an enduring structure of translational melanoma genetics research in Europe and other countries. European integration will enhance dialogue, disseminate expertise and resources, provide training and allow mobility of scientists within Europe. It is aimed to keep the network open and dynamic by adding new partners, especially in Eastern Europe where melanoma incidence rates may rise most precipitously in the near future, if the expected increase in wealth results in greater levels of sun exposure. There will be participation from four new European groups and others from Australia, the USA and Israel to capitalize on latitudinal (sun exposure) differences between these groups.

Funding Amount $AUD 250,900.00

Funding Scheme NHMRC Strategic Awards

Notes Aust/EU Collaborative Research Grant

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