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This dataset contains electronic appendices including raw data and summary genetic statistics associated with the final report for FRDC project No. 2010/521. Report Title: Vulnerability of an iconic Australian finfish (barramundi – Lates calcarifer) and aligned industries to climate change across tropical Australia Report Authors: Dean R. Jerry, Carolyn Smith-Keune, Lauren Hodgson, Igor Pirozzi, A. Guy Carton, Kate S. Hutson, Alexander K. Brazenor, Alejandro Trujillo Gonazlez, Stephen Gamble, Geoff Collins and Jeremy VanDerWal The appendices include: E1: a table of microsatellite allele definitions used in the project E2: a table of the raw data consisting of 16 locus microsatellite genotypes E3: a matrix of the pairwise Fst values for 48 barramundi collections across Australia E4: a summary table of Fishers' Exact Tests for differentiation between 48 barramundi collections E5: a summary table of the allele frequencies for 16 microsatellite loci within 21 identified subpopulations of barramundi across Australia. The raw data given in E2 is currently an example only and the full dataset will be made available later at the time of journal article publication. All data and associated summary genetic statistics were generated by Carolyn Smith-Keune with the assistance of Shannon Loughnon (Flinders University) and are from barramundi tissue samples spread across 48 collections including 43 locations within Northern Australia from the Pilbara region in Western Australia to the Mary River in Queensland. The raw data consists of individual fish genotypes for 16 microsatellite DNA markers genotyped at James Cook University.
Created: 2013
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- Local : researchdata.jcu.edu.au//published/70806945176587fba62845bb38815680
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