Brief description
The generically authorised explosives used in the petroleum, gas and geothermal industries list applies specifically to explosives where their intended and stated uses are in the petroleum, gas and geothermal operations for the purpose of well perforation or seismic exploration only. For an explosive to be accepted into this category, it must fit the following criteria:- Contain the Proper Shipping Name, UN Number and Classification Code as listed below.
- Be manufactured overseas (any product manufactured in Australia must be individually authorised).
- Have UN test certification to determine the classification of the explosive (e.g. 1.4B, 1.4S etc) in accordance with TDG.
- Have appropriate documentation as required by the authorisation of unauthorised or prohibited explosives, including the safety data sheet (SDS), technical data sheet (TDS), authorisation approval from other authorities (including Certificate of Product from overseas) and package design test certificate.
Shaped charges (Proper Shipping Name: CHARGES, SHAPED, without detonator) are not authorised in Queensland as UN0441 of classification code 1.4S. Any shaped charge of this category imported into Queensland must be classified as UN0440 of classification code 1.4D prior to transport from the point of import.
Any explosive listed in this section is not generically authorised when their intended and stated uses are in other than petroleum, gas and geothermal operations.
For any explosives not contained on the list for generic authorisation of explosives used in the petroleum, gas and geothermal operations, a request must be made in writing to the Chief Inspector of Explosives. Explosives may be added or removed from the list at any time.
*CHARGES, SHAPED, without detonator are not generically authorised as UN Number 0441 of classification code 1.4S. These explosives must be relabelled as UN Number 0440 of classification code 1.4D.
NOTE: CARTRIDGES, POWER DEVICE with UN Number 0275, 0276, 0323 and 0381 of classification code 1.3C, 1.4C, 1.4S and 1.2C respectively, are generically authorised explosives, (see Section 4. Generically authorised explosives.)
Full description
Generically authorised explosives used in the petroleum, gas and geothermal industriesUser Contributed Tags
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