
Gavan McCarthy

Also known as: Gavan John McCarthy, Gavan McCarthy, McCarthy, Gavan, 1956- National Library of Australia VIAF ID: 28736015 (Personal)
National Library of Australia
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Brief description

Gavan McCarthy, as the inaugural member of staff, was appointed in 1985 to establish the Australian Science Archives Project in the Department of History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Melbourne. ASAP, as it was known, became part of the Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre when it was established in 1999. McCarthy was archivist in charge of ASAP until his appointment as Director of the Centre. He is known internationally for his innovative approach to archival description and contextual information management.
Associate Professor Gavan McCarthy is Director of the University of Melbourne eScholarship Research Centre in the University Library founded in 2007. His research is in the discipline of social and cultural informatics with expertise in archival science and a long-standing interest in the history of Australian science. He contributes to research in information infrastructure development within the University and his projects highlight strong engagement with community. His distinctive cross-disciplinary research reaches into other fields such as education, social work, linguistics, anthropology, population health and history. He re-examines theoretical foundations and tests new theories through practical interventions with a focus on public knowledge domains, contextual information frameworks and knowledge archives.

Full description

Contacts: Level 2, Thomas Cherry Building, University of Melbourne Victoria 3010 email: Telephone: +61 3 8344 3659 Fax: +61 3 9347 4803

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