
Functional analysis of the molecular switch that regulates ADAM10-mediated cleavage of RTK ligands in tumour cells. [ 2006 - 2008 ]

Also known as: Regulation of cleavage of receptor ligands in tumour cells.

Research Grant

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Researchers: A/Pr Martin Lackmann (Principal investigator) ,  Dr Peter Janes Prof Dimitar Nikolov

Brief description We have determined the structure and identified the region of the ADAM10 metalloprotease that controls its specific cleavage of ephrins. Ephrins and their receptors (Ephs) direct cell positioning during development by controlling cell-cell adhesion and repulsion. In adult tissues these proteins are present at low levels but are found at high levels in human cancers, including skin cancers, where they are thought to promote aggressive tumours. The switch to cell repulsion occurs by cleavage of the ephrin by ADAM10 which also functions in other cancer promoting events by cleaving growth factors. Our structure reveals how Eph-bound ephrin is specifically targeted by ADAM. We will now determine the relevance of this mechanism for other ADAM10 targets, and design drugs to bind this region and inhibit ADAM function, which we will test in assays measuring tumour cell movement and growth, with the aim of developing therapies to block cancer progression.

Funding Amount $AUD 457,267.61

Funding Scheme NHMRC Project Grants

Notes Standard Project Grant

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