
From Nanosecond Timing to Nanohertz Gravitational Wave Detection [ 2009-01-01 - 2011-12-31 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof Matthew Bailes (Chief Investigator) ,  Willem Herman Bernardus Van Straten (Chief Investigator) ,  Willem van Straten (Chief Investigator) ,  Dr George Hobbs (Partner Investigator) ,  Dr Richard Manchester (Partner Investigator)
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Brief description From Nanosecond Timing to Nanohertz Gravitational Wave Detection. Radio pulsars are the collapsed cores of once-massive stars that are renowned for their exceptional rotational stability. Ever since their discovery Australia has played a prominent role in the discovery and monitoring of these enigmatic sources. The timing and discovery of millisecond pulsars is an area where Australia is a world leader. This programme will use a powerful new instrument on the Parkes radio telescope to search for the minute influence of gravitational waves from supermassive black hole binaries on the millisecond pulsars.

Funding Amount $365,000

Funding Scheme Discovery Projects

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