Brief description
In February and June 1983, fishes and benthic fauna were sampled to provide quantitative estimates of densities and volumes of the benthic invertebrate animals and biomass of the seagrass in summer, as well as abundances of the fishes occurring during the day and night and in both summer and winter in Amphibolis seagrass beds and sand flats at Monkey Mia Shark Bay, Western Australia.Full description -text: true
63 318000 |
Amphibolis sp. |
Aquatic Habitat |
Benthic Habitat |
Biomass |
Biosphere |
Coastal Processes |
Cymodoceaceae |
Ecological Dynamics |
Fish |
Intertidal Zone |
Marine Biology |
Marine Habitat |
Marine Invertebrates |
Marine Plants |
Oceans |
seagrasses |
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