Brief description
The present dataset gathers ecological, environmental and anthropogenic characteristics of 31 reefs described as following:
logbiomass: the log biomass of reef fish communities (25 families)
pop_4km: the human population occurring within a 4km radius of each reef using the WorldPop dataset version 2.0.
traveltime_market: the travel time from the nearest market in hours
traveltime_comm: the travel time from the nearest coastal community in hours
management: if reefs are located in low to high compliance reserves or openly fished.
Env1 and Env2 are the two Principal Coordinates of the Principal Coordinates Analysis (PCoA) performed with habitat and environmental variables (depth, weekly average SST and primary productivity, reef complexity, percent cover of macroalgae and live hard coral).
It also gathers 9 socio-economic characteristics measured in 10 coastal communities described as following:
1. the proportion of households who ranked fishing as primary activity,
2. the proportion of households who ranked farming as primary activity,
3. the livelihoods diversity: the mean number of livelihood activities that households are involved in,
4. the mean number of community groups people are involved in,
5. the proportion of households consuming fish at least once a day,
6. the proportion of selective gears (hand line, hand spear and spear gun),
7. the proportion of nets (mosquito and gill nets),
8. the proportion of fish sold,
9. when fish sold, the preferred buyer: own community, middlemen from other community, local market.
Full description
The dataset will be made available once the related publication is accepted.
Created: 2019-01-22
text: Northwest Madagascar
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