Brief description
At Loewe Massif and Amery Oasis, samples were taken; - for sediment analysis (XRF geochemistry and grain size) - for geochronology (cosmogenic isotope analysis). The custodian for these samples is Dr Damian Gore, Macquarie University. Lake sediment samples were taken from Lake Terrasovoje, Radok Lake and Beaver Lake. The custodian for these lacustrine samples is Dr Martin Melles, Leipzig University. The dataset also includes weather/meteorological observations. Further work in project 1071 was also completed as part of PCMEGA. The fields in this dataset are: Date Site Latitude Longitude Time Altitude Temperature Pressure Wind direction Wind Speed Cloud Relative HumidityLineage
Progress Code: completedData time period: 2001-12-01 to 2004-03-01
text: westlimit=65; southlimit=-71; eastlimit=69; northlimit=-68
text: uplimit=2500; downlimit=0
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- global : ASAC_1071_Loewe