
Field measurements of temperature, moisture and photosynthetic activity in three species of moss at Casey over a two week period in January 2003

Australian Antarctic Data Centre
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ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Adc&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2FANDS&rft_id=info:doi10.4225/15/552F33039EA83&rft.title=Field measurements of temperature, moisture and photosynthetic activity in three species of moss at Casey over a two week period in January 2003&rft.identifier=10.4225/15/552F33039EA83&rft.publisher=Australian Antarctic Data Centre&rft.description=Samples were collected at ASPA 135, at the melt lake, northeast side. This metadata record provides data collected during 2002/3 at Casey. Temperature sensors (i-buttons) were inserted into moss beds and a range of associated measurements were recorded (e.g. moisture and photosynthetic activity). The work was conducted by Jane Wasley and Johanna Turnbull over a two week period, from 15 to 28 January 2003. Field site location The field site was located in ASPA 135, on the northeast side of the melt lake. Approximate coordinates of the field site are: NW 110 32 32.5E, 66 16 56.0S NE 110 32 34.9E, 66 16 56.0S SW 110 32 37.6E, 66 16 58.5S SE 110 32 40.6E, 66 16 58.5S These coordinates for the site were estimated visually by Jane Wasley 15 April 2015. The area bound by theses coordinates is therefore approximate only. The shape of the site bounded by these coordinates is a parallelogram (see red polygon: ASPA 135_PML field site 2002-3.docx) and is positioned in the north-east corner of the ASPA135 meltlake, running along the eastern side. Related files - JTurnbull labbook Casey2002-3.pdf This file is a scanned copy of selected pages of Johanna Turnbull's laboratory notebook from Casey 2002/3 that provides mud map sketches of the field sites she sampled from during 2002/3 at Casey. This includes, on the page numbered 53, a mud map of PML. (the ibutton field notes 2002-3.pdf file notes the work related to this data set was conducted all in PML). ASPA 135_PML field site 2002-3.docx This file provides an image of the approximate location of the field site PML, marked as a red polygon. This polygon was estimated visually by Jane Wasley 15/4/15. Site name abbreviations used in field notebook (ibutton field notes 2002-3.pdf): PML = Plateau Melt Lake. Note that this site is also referred to, in other documentation for the season (not provided), as MLE = Melt Lake East, where PML and MLE are the same site (initially referred to as PLM, but later changed name to MLE). Methods: On 15 January 2003, 18 ibutton temperature sensors were inserted into moss beds. The sensors were pushed into the moss turf, so they were positioned just below the moss turf surface (measuring moss turf temperate close to turf surface, but away from surface effects of wind etc). Three species of moss were included (Ceratodon purpureus; Bryum pseudotriquetrum; Grimmia antarctici (since taxonomically revised as: Schistidium antarctici) and two micro-positions (ridge or valley) were used (moss grows in an undulating ridge/valley formation). A moisture reading (in volts) was recorded for each of the 18 sampling points (and corresponding reading obtained with probe submerged in water). Sponge cores were inserted into the sampling points to estimate moss turf moisture contents (to be removed for measurement at week 1, then a new set inserted for removal at week 2). At 1 week, on 23/1/03, the following measurements were made at each of the 18 sampling points: 1. Chlorophyll fluorescence using a mini-PAM (Waltz, Germany). See SET letters A to R, MEM # and YIELD in field notebook. Corresponding PAM data file not available to date (will be added to this metadata record later if can be found). If found, data in file will correspond to notebook via Mark, No. and Yield, respectively. 2. Moss turf moisture content via sponge cores measured gravimetrically. See changed vial moisture probe # in field notebook (ibutton field notes 2002-3.pdf) and 'Tube #' in lab notebook (ibutton lab notes 2002-3.pdf) for wet weight and dry weight of sponge cores, to estimate turf water content. 3. Moss surface temperature (degrees C) using a hand held infrared thermometer (Scotchtrack T Heat tracer IR1600L; 3M, Austin TX, USA), see field notebook (ibutton field notes 2002-3.pdf) for data. 4. Moss turf moisture content (in volts) using a PJ moisture probe. No further information available about make/model. The moisture probe intermittently measured also in a salt solution (Salty O), using 2 x rounded teaspoons of table salt in approximately 200 mL of tap water. At week 2, on 28/1/03, measurements were repeated as per 23/1/03. The chlorophyll fluorescence data is provided in PAM_030129.xls. List of abbreviations (used in data files and/or field notebook): C = Ceratodon purpureus; B = Bryum pseudotriquetrum; G = Grimmia antarctici R = Ridge; V = Valley letters A to R indicate SET in field notebook (23 and 28/1/03) and Mark in file PAM_030129.xls I.R = infrared Yield = photosynthetic yield, measured via chlorophyll fluorescence Related files - Scanned copies of relevant pages from field (ibutton field notes 2002-3.pdf) and laboratory (ibutton lab notes 2002-3.pdf) notebooks. Data files (ibutton field expt_030129.xls and PAM_030129_working.xls).&rft.creator=WASLEY, JANE &rft.creator=TURNBULL, JOHANNA &rft.creator=ROBINSON, SHARON &; southlimit=-66.282776; westlimit=110.54236; eastLimit=110.54461; projection=WGS84&rft.coverage=northlimit=-66.28222; southlimit=-66.282776; westlimit=110.54236; eastLimit=110.54461; projection=WGS84&rft_rights=This data set conforms to the CCBY Attribution License ( Please follow instructions listed in the citation reference provided at when using these data.&rft_subject=biota&rft_subject=environment&rft_subject=AIR TEMPERATURE&rft_subject=EARTH SCIENCE&rft_subject=ATMOSPHERE&rft_subject=ATMOSPHERIC TEMPERATURE&rft_subject=SURFACE TEMPERATURE&rft_subject=MOSSES/HORNWORTS/LIVERWORTS&rft_subject=BIOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATION&rft_subject=PLANTS&rft_subject=PHOTOSYNTHESIS&rft_subject=BIOSPHERE&rft_subject=ECOLOGICAL DYNAMICS&rft_subject=ECOSYSTEM FUNCTIONS&rft_subject=CHLOROPHYLL&rft_subject=VEGETATION&rft_subject=Chlorophyll fluorescence&rft_subject=Moss turf moisture&rft_subject=PAM&rft_subject=Moss surface temperature&rft_subject=PAM > PORTABLE FLUORESCENCE ANALYZERS&rft_subject=TEMPERATURE SENSORS&rft_subject=SOIL MOISTURE PROBE&rft_subject=FIELD INVESTIGATION&rft_subject=FIELD SURVEYS&rft_subject=CONTINENT > ANTARCTICA&rft_subject=GEOGRAPHIC REGION > POLAR&rft_place=Hobart&rft.type=dataset&rft.language=English Access the data

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This data set conforms to the CCBY Attribution License ( Please follow instructions listed in the citation reference provided at when using these data.


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Brief description

Samples were collected at ASPA 135, at the melt lake, northeast side. This metadata record provides data collected during 2002/3 at Casey. Temperature sensors (i-buttons) were inserted into moss beds and a range of associated measurements were recorded (e.g. moisture and photosynthetic activity). The work was conducted by Jane Wasley and Johanna Turnbull over a two week period, from 15 to 28 January 2003. Field site location The field site was located in ASPA 135, on the northeast side of the melt lake. Approximate coordinates of the field site are: NW 110 32 32.5E, 66 16 56.0S NE 110 32 34.9E, 66 16 56.0S SW 110 32 37.6E, 66 16 58.5S SE 110 32 40.6E, 66 16 58.5S These coordinates for the site were estimated visually by Jane Wasley 15 April 2015. The area bound by theses coordinates is therefore approximate only. The shape of the site bounded by these coordinates is a parallelogram (see red polygon: ASPA 135_PML field site 2002-3.docx) and is positioned in the north-east corner of the ASPA135 meltlake, running along the eastern side. Related files - JTurnbull labbook Casey2002-3.pdf This file is a scanned copy of selected pages of Johanna Turnbull's laboratory notebook from Casey 2002/3 that provides mud map sketches of the field sites she sampled from during 2002/3 at Casey. This includes, on the page numbered 53, a mud map of "PML". (the ibutton field notes 2002-3.pdf file notes the work related to this data set was conducted "all in PML"). ASPA 135_PML field site 2002-3.docx This file provides an image of the approximate location of the field site "PML", marked as a red polygon. This polygon was estimated visually by Jane Wasley 15/4/15. Site name abbreviations used in field notebook (ibutton field notes 2002-3.pdf): PML = Plateau Melt Lake. Note that this site is also referred to, in other documentation for the season (not provided), as MLE = Melt Lake East, where PML and MLE are the same site (initially referred to as PLM, but later changed name to MLE). Methods: On 15 January 2003, 18 ibutton temperature sensors were inserted into moss beds. The sensors were pushed into the moss turf, so they were positioned just below the moss turf surface (measuring moss turf temperate close to turf surface, but away from surface effects of wind etc). Three species of moss were included (Ceratodon purpureus; Bryum pseudotriquetrum; Grimmia antarctici (since taxonomically revised as: Schistidium antarctici) and two micro-positions (ridge or valley) were used (moss grows in an undulating ridge/valley formation). A moisture reading (in volts) was recorded for each of the 18 sampling points (and corresponding reading obtained with probe submerged in water). Sponge cores were inserted into the sampling points to estimate moss turf moisture contents (to be removed for measurement at week 1, then a new set inserted for removal at week 2). At 1 week, on 23/1/03, the following measurements were made at each of the 18 sampling points: 1. Chlorophyll fluorescence using a mini-PAM (Waltz, Germany). See "SET" letters A to R, MEM # and YIELD in field notebook. Corresponding PAM data file not available to date (will be added to this metadata record later if can be found). If found, data in file will correspond to notebook via "Mark", No. and Yield, respectively. 2. Moss turf moisture content via sponge cores measured gravimetrically. See "changed vial moisture probe #" in field notebook (ibutton field notes 2002-3.pdf) and 'Tube #' in lab notebook (ibutton lab notes 2002-3.pdf) for wet weight and dry weight of sponge cores, to estimate turf water content. 3. Moss surface temperature (degrees C) using a hand held infrared thermometer (Scotchtrack T Heat tracer IR1600L; 3M, Austin TX, USA), see field notebook (ibutton field notes 2002-3.pdf) for data. 4. Moss turf moisture content (in volts) using a "PJ" moisture probe. No further information available about make/model. The moisture probe intermittently measured also in a salt solution ("Salty O"), using 2 x rounded teaspoons of table salt in approximately 200 mL of tap water. At week 2, on 28/1/03, measurements were repeated as per 23/1/03. The chlorophyll fluorescence data is provided in PAM_030129.xls. List of abbreviations (used in data files and/or field notebook): C = Ceratodon purpureus; B = Bryum pseudotriquetrum; G = Grimmia antarctici R = Ridge; V = Valley letters A to R indicate "SET" in field notebook (23 and 28/1/03) and "Mark" in file PAM_030129.xls I.R = infrared Yield = photosynthetic yield, measured via chlorophyll fluorescence Related files - Scanned copies of relevant pages from field (ibutton field notes 2002-3.pdf) and laboratory (ibutton lab notes 2002-3.pdf) notebooks. Data files (ibutton field expt_030129.xls and PAM_030129_working.xls).

Issued: 2015-04-14

Data time period: 2003-01-15 to 2003-01-28

This dataset is part of a larger collection

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110.54461,-66.28222 110.54461,-66.28278 110.54236,-66.28278 110.54236,-66.28222 110.54461,-66.28222


text: northlimit=-66.28222; southlimit=-66.282776; westlimit=110.54236; eastLimit=110.54461; projection=WGS84

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