
Extended follow up of the RENAL Study and Individual Patient Data Meta-analysis in Acute Kidney Injury [ 2010 - 2013 ]

Also known as: Extended follow up of the RENAL study and combined analysis with other similar studies

Research Grant

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Researchers: A/Pr Martin Gallagher (Principal investigator)

Brief description Acute kidney failure is increasingly common and associated with very high mortality. The long term consequences for patients and their kidney function are unknown. By extending follow up of the RENAL study, which explored how the dose of dialysis affected survival, and combining it with other trials from around the world, we will provide the strongest evidence regarding how dialysis treatment can reduce this mortality and define the long term consequences of this condition.

Funding Amount $AUD 650,271.11

Funding Scheme NHMRC Project Grants

Notes New Investigator Grant

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