
Exploring the haemagglutinin-neuraminidase of human parainfluenza virus [ 2013 - 2015 ]

Also known as: Characterisation of carbohydrate-parainfluenza virus interactions

Research Grant

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Researchers: Dr Ibrahim El-Deeb (Principal investigator) ,  Prof Mark Von Itzstein (Principal investigator) ,  Dr Patrice Guillon

Brief description Respiratory diseases, for example croup, in children are caused in the main by human parainfluenza viruses (hPIVs). No vaccines or specific antiviral therapy against hPIV infections exist. This project targets an essential protein in the virus’ lifecycle. This project will produce compounds that block the protein’s function and may provide drug candidates for development. Furthermore the role of human host cell-associated carbohydrates in parainfluenza infection will be better understood.

Funding Amount $AUD 731,268.95

Funding Scheme Project Grants

Notes Standard Project Grant

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