Full description
Experiment data in HDF5 format, generated using the labscript suite, an open source experiment control and analysis system.Each file corresponds to one run of the experiment (i.e. the creation of a Bose-Einstein condensate, which has a grid of a given dimension swept through it, and is imaged using a velocity-selective Bragg technique after a given hold time) - see "Evolution of large-scale flow from turbulence in a two-dimensional superfluid" for experimental details.
Each file contains:
* The 'experiment logic' contained in the 'labscript' file used to generate the hardware control instructions.
* The hardware instructions used to run the experiment.
* The raw images taken during the experiment.
* Results of analysis run on that data.
The analysis code used can be found at https://github.com/shjohnst/2D-turbulence/Experiment-Analysis
Issued: 2018-11-08
2D |
Bose-Einstein condensate |
Experiment data |
Point vortex |
Quantum vortex |
Superfluid Turbulence |
Turbulence |
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- DOI : 10.26180/5BDB8A1059E79