
Evaluation of a tele-health intervention for delivering psychosocial support to people with brain tumour and their families [ 2018 - ]

Also known as: 5016830

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof Tamara Ownsworth (Principal investigator) ,  A/Pr Louisa Gordon A/Pr Matthew Foote Dr Mark Pinkham Prof David Shum
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Brief description Researchers will partner with the Cancer Council Queensland and Princess Alexandra Hospital to evaluate a telehealth format of the Making Sense of Brain Tumour (MAST) program. We aim to determine whether the Tele-MAST program improves the mood and quality of life of people with brain tumour to a greater extent than routine care. This will help to establish an effective and easy to access psychological support program that can be integrated into existing statewide cancer support services.

Funding Amount $376,858.00

Funding Scheme Partnerships

Notes Partnership Project for Better Health

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