
Evaluation of Long-Term Clinical and Health Service Outcomes Following Coronary Artery Revascularisation in Western Australia: Future Implications [ 2011 - 2015 ]

Also known as: Evaluation of long-term outcomes following procedures to unblock coronary arteries in patients with heart disease in Western Australia

Research Grant

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Researchers: Dr Frank Sanfilippo (Principal investigator) ,  A/Pr Donald Cutlip A/Pr Thomas Briffa Dr James Rankin Dr Michael Nguyen
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Brief description Heart attacks occur when arteries of the heart become blocked, and current treatment involves unblocking the affected vessel by inserting a stent fed through a leg artery or using bypass surgery. There are different types of stents and whether they offer better outcomes than surgery in the long-term is currently undecided. We will evaluate whether patients who receive stents have better outcomes after 5 years than patients who have surgery, and what the various costs are to the health system.

Funding Amount $AUD 638,412.75

Funding Scheme Project Grants

Notes Standard Project Grant

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